Waste Water Treatment
European pulp and paper mills are generally equipped with effective chemical, physical and biological treatment stages. Much of the organic load can be removed from the process wastewater.
Nevertheless, the challenges for the reduction of residual COD, filterable materials, coating as well as adherence of the pH in the purified wastewater are greater than ever.
Wastewater from pulp and paper, coating, water from evaporation, etc. often needs to be treated as a complex mixed wastewater. Even high-performance biological treatment plants are sometimes at the limit.
Feralco Deutschland GmbH has developed coagulants for these purposes, which can be applied both in the pre-treatment step and in the secondary clarifiers to precipitate COD which has not been removed biologically as well as filterable substances. In addition, we also offer solutions with products that can be used particularly for separate wastewater streams.
We help you to apply the coagulant in order to keep sufficient nutrient for the biological stage and at the same time prevent excessive sludge production.